COUPLEHOOD - PAUL REISERI have just finished reading the book 'Couplehood' by Paul Reiser. He's famous for the series 'Mad About You' and has authored another book called 'Babyhood'. Couplehood is a hilarious book about a typical couple living in the US. It entertains and pokes satires at the nuances of the modern life, much on the lines of 'The Bridget Jones' Diary'.
The book starts on page no. 147 - i.e., page no.1 is labelled as 147 and it goes on. This is because the author wants his readers to be able to say they are on page 154 although they've just read 7 pages. The satires start here..
This is how the protagonist feels when he looks into the mirror early in the morning.
"That's not what I was hoping for. I could have sworn I was better looking than that. I must be thinking of someone else."
And then there are two pages on the enjoyment of sitting. For instance, rather than moving to dislodge the remote control he's almost definitely sitting on, he'll just deal with the discomfort. He goes on to say, " if you understand how affection for sitting, multiply that a couple of times and you can imagine my enthusiasm for lying down." Another satire. There are several more on the ubiquitous "How are you?", friends meeting over for coffee, having kids and so on.
Towards the end, the book gets funnier and there are several jokes which make you laugh aloud. If you are looking for something very light to read at bed time, grab this one!